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Pedagogy – Unique GPLogic™ Strategies to ace GP:
ZAscension GP Lessons are different from other GP lessons because we have developed our own unique pedagogy, strategies, methods and resources.
They are designed around our innovative concept of GPLogic™, developed from top thinking strategies used in IQ puzzles (Mr Zach obtained Top 1% in Mensa IQ Test).
This is why we can guarantee RESULTS and improvement:
Here is a preview of our Online Lessons and an explanation of how GPLogic™ applies to the skills taught:
Why do Students Prefer Online Lessons:
Starting from 2020, we have decided to switch to online lessons because students have feedback that they actually PREFER online lessons! Here’s why:
Check out this preview of what interaction and participation in our Online Lessons feel like and what Students have learned from ZAscension GP Lessons:
Sharing from Students of 2021:
Sharing from Students of 2020:
Special Arrangements:
We also offer Online Group Classes for those who wish to
start their own small class (3-4 students per group)