GP Essay Questions (2021) and Thematic Strategies
Looking for the 2021 A Levels Essay Questions? It’s over here!
Practicing prelim questions is an effective strategy to prevent us from stumbling over our actual A Level questions in the exam because it familiarises us with the relevant issues/debates under a specific Theme.
Below are questions from this year’s prelim papers, including the 17 schools*. I have organised them into Themes for our easy reference. I have also added my own insights for each Theme to provide important tips on what we have to take note of if we want to provide critical and quality responses for questions under that Theme. I separated ‘Standard’ questions from ‘Others’ that are more niche or unconventional. I also marked out questions that are more difficult because of various modifiers.
The major Themes to focus on are: Arts, Science & Tech, Politics, Media, Environment, Individual/Values, General. These themes have been selected based on their frequency in the A Levels. Themes not included here are those that are not common for A Levels (e.g. Education, Sports, Crime, Poverty, Family, Economics)
So below are nearly 200 questions that i have compiled for the year of 2021, all for your easy reference 🙂 If you need more questions, please check out the three-year compilation (2017, 2018, 2019) or last year’s (2020). I have also included some general questions for those of you who prefer to attempt general questions.
1. Arts/Heritage
Arts (Standard)
- ‘Life imitates art far more than art imitates life.’ How far do you agree that art shapes reality more than it reflects reality? – Difficult
- ‘The beauty of the arts lies in its exposure of the ugly.’ Discuss.
- ‘All spectacle and little substance.’ Is this a fair assessment of the arts?
- Consider the view that literature is more meaningful when it reflects life.
- Consider the value of comic.
- ‘Music plays a critical role in the development of a society’s cultural identity.’ What is your view?
- ‘Fashion is always frivolous.’ What is your view?
- ‘Fashion merely serves superficial purposes.’ Is this a fair comment?
- ‘Art is only worth what people will pay for it.’ Do you agree? – Difficult
- ‘The Arts must be controversial in order to be meaningful.’ What are your views?
- ‘With the rise of the Internet, books have lost their value.’ What do you think?
- How far can technology help to preserve heritage today?
- How integral are the arts to a country’s identity?
- ‘As countries pursue development, heritage sites are losing their relevance.’ How far do you agree?
Arts (Others) – Difficult
- ‘The arts ask questions while the sciences provide answers.’ How valid is this view?
- Consider the view that more scientists than artists are needed in the world today.
- ‘As science advances, the importance of the arts and humanities declines.’ Is this an accurate claim today?
- Should the study of Literature be made compulsory in schools?
- ‘An arts education is a necessity.’ How true is this in your society?
- Discuss the view that, in today’s world, the arts are only for the elite.
- ‘To truly understand a culture, learn its language.’ Do you agree?
Insight/Strategy: When we look at Arts, one of the key question lies in its Value. This exists at the core of Arts questions but are often phrased in different ways. We need to ensure that we do not just regurgitate the content we are familiar with. Instead, we should address the key terms (e.g. shaping reality, exposing the ugly, being of substance, reflecting life). On this point, remember to differentiate between Value on a more individual level and that on a country level e.g. (development of a society’s identity). For the more specific or varied art forms like comic, literature, music, fashion, we would need to have concrete examples for these even if the arguments are similar to the more general idea of ‘the Arts’. The non-typical questions are those that include other themes like Sci/Tech and Education. However, looking at how technology has impacted the arts should be something we are prepared for.
2. Science
Sci/Tech (Standard)
- Does advancement in modern science truly bring progress for the world?
- ‘Rather than empower our lives, technology has handicapped us.’ Discuss.
- Is modern technology a benefit or threat to our safety?
- Our faith in technology to solve all our problems is misplaced.’ Comment.
- ‘In today’s digitalised world, technology completely defines who we are.’ Discuss. – Difficult
- How far has modern technology empowered individual freedom in your society? – Difficult
- Is it true that the digital age leaves no one behind? – Difficult
- Are recent changes to the workplace for the better or the worse?
- Do we still have a use for the workplace?
- To what extent is it accurate to describe the world today as a disrupted one?
- Can limitations on scientific research be justified nowadays?
- Should we be concerned with the ethics of medical research when doing so will limit its effectiveness? – Difficult
- Scientists should focus on research that benefits the greatest number of people. Discuss. – Difficult
- ‘The lack of trust in science today is unwarranted.’ Do you agree?
- ‘Those with knowledge are not always wise.’ Do you agree? – Difficult
- Consider the view that people no longer have much faith in science. – Difficult
- We have placed too much faith in science and technology to solve global problems. How far do you agree?
Sci/Tech (Others) – Difficult
- Is it fair to say that investment in space exploration is a total waste of resources?
- Can space travel be justified when there are such pressing issues in the world today?
- ‘There is no value in believing in something unless it can be scientifically proven.’ How far is this true?
- To what extent can the regulation of technology companies be justified? | Note: Linked to Media because issues to be regulated include (privacy infringement, misuse of data, perpetuation of fake news by algorithms)
- ‘The adoption of online trade has made traditional businesses irrelevant in this digital age.’ How far is this true of your society?
Insight/Strategy: Note the difference between Science and Technology. Remember that Science refers to the knowledge, theoretical and research aspects whereas Technology refers to the applied and practical uses. It is important to clearly note whether the question engages with Science or Technology, and to use the suitable examples. Sci/Tech questions often have complex modifiers that add niche requirements to the question. Even for typical questions that look at pros-cons, there are specific impacts (e.g. empower/handicap, bring progress, solve problems, defines us, empowered individual freedom, leaves no one behind). It becomes important to really interpret these terms and consider how to address them instead of merely regurgitating pros-cons. The more future-oriented questions look at how our current way of life has been disrupted, especially in the workplace. Another group of questions examine whether science is reliable.
3. Politics
Politics (Standard)
- Given the high levels of foreign aid today, global hunger will soon be a thing of the past. How far is this true? – Difficult
- To what extent does international cooperation improve citizens’ quality of life?
- Is diplomacy effective in addressing global concerns?
- Consider the view that globalisation has harmed rather than improved international relations today. – Difficult
- ‘It is persuasion, not intimidation, that changes the world for the better. – Difficult
- Given increasing tensions in today’s world, how acceptable is it for countries to develop nuclear weapons? – Difficult
- ‘National interests should always come before the interests of the individual.’ Discuss.
- ‘The prioritisation of national interests inevitably harms global interests.’ Is this a fair comment?
- Do you agree that every country must seek to be self-sufficient at all costs?
- Is complete self-sufficiency in countries ever possible?
- To what extent is the movement of people across borders desirable?
- Examine the view that the government should care only for the weak in your society.
- To what extent should disadvantaged groups be given preferential treatment? – Difficult
- Should a country be run like a business? – Difficult
- ‘Politicians should be viewed with suspicion.’ To what extent do you agree?
- ‘Those with knowledge are not always wise.’ Do you agree? – Difficult
- To what extent should decisions in your society be guided by outcomes rather than ideals? – Difficult
- ‘In times of crisis, governments should aim for compliance rather than consensus.’ Discuss.
- Should the rights of individuals be more important than the interests of their society today?
- The increased level of surveillance today has made the world a safer place to live in. How far do you agree?
- Should the state intervene in matters relating to one’s body? – Difficult
- Is there any point in pursuing democracy today?
- Should a leader always be democratically elected?
Politics (Others)
- Examine the claim that small countries are more successful at achieving prosperity than big countries.
- ‘Small countries are always disadvantaged compared to large countries.’ Comment.
- ‘Too much pressure is placed on government leaders to solve the problems of their people.’ How far do you agree?
- How forgiving should we be of leaders who fail to live up to our expectations? – Difficult
- Can breaches of human rights ever be justified? – Difficult
- ‘Politics and religion should remain separate.’ Comment. – Difficult
- To what extent are public figures today persecuted rather than celebrated? | Note: Also link to Media because politicians are considered public figures, together with other celebrities and known individuals like business leaders
Insight/Strategy: As usual, the two main branches of Politics questions look at International Relations (External) and Governance (Internal). International Relations include looking at International Cooperation and Diplomacy, considering what approaches should be recommended, i.e. should it be aggressive and confrontational or should it involve diplomacy and other alternative conflict resolution methods. Governance looks at the factors that determine good governance and evaluate the current levels of governance quality where we consider whether politicians can be trusted. There are also question that look at how governance involve the restriction of rights or particular intrusive policies.
4. Media
Media (Standard)
- Examine the view that the strengths of social media are also its weaknesses.
- Social media has limited rather than enriched the lives of youths today. Comment.
- Do we need to worry about entertainment in the media today?
- Should we worry that social media has become young people’s window to the world? – Difficult
- ‘Just as social media shapes the young, so do the young shape social media.’ To what extent is this true? – Difficult
- Do you agree that public good, not profit, should be the focus of the media?
- Examine the view that journalists should only report the facts and not share their opinions. – Difficult
- Consider the view that having access to more information makes us more ignorant.
- To what extent should contentious issues be discussed in your society?
- Should censorship of the media be entirely the responsibility of the government?
- Examine the claim that it is pointless to share diverse views when we take offence easily. – Difficult
- To what extent are countries able to effectively overcome online threats? – Difficult
- To what extent can the regulation of technology companies be justified? – Difficult
- ‘Only those with something to hide are concerned about losing their privacy.’ Discuss.
- To what extent are political leaders treated unfairly by the media?
Media (Others)
- To what extent are public figures today persecuted rather than celebrated? |Note: Also link to Politics because politicians are considered public figures, together with other celebrities and known individuals like business leaders
- Is it fair to expect celebrities to be role models?
- Consider the view that celebrities are overpaid.
Insight/Strategy: Social media is a clear focus of the current trend of questions. Some of the harder questions get us to not just question the pros-cons of social media but also think about how people are truly interacting with it, especially youths. How do they use it? What do they use it for? What are the impacts? Another huge group of questions come from whether we should censor, restrict or regulate content. It is often justified in relation to threats that come from such content (including fake news), but the other side would consider benefits of having more diverse viewpoints.
5. Environment
Environment (Standard)
- ‘Our current lifestyles are environmentally unsustainable.’ How far is this true?
- Considering a growing human population, should large tracts of land be devoted to the conservation of plant and animal species? – Difficult
- How effectively are environmental concerns in your society addressed?
- To what extent is your society doing enough to combat the risks of climate change?
- “Recycling is over-rated which does little to help the problem of waste.” How true is this of your society? – Difficult
- ‘While environmental sustainability is desirable, it is an unachievable goal.’ Discuss.
- How far do you agree that good governance is key to the protection of the environment?
- Discuss the view that all countries have an equal responsibility to combat climate change.
- ‘Instead of expecting governments to solve environmental problems, we should look for solutions on our own.’ Do you agree?
- Should developing countries be allowed to exploit all their natural resources? – Difficult
- Consider the view that sustainable development can only be pursued by affluent countries.
- Examine the view that, the more technology advances, the more the environment suffers.
Environment (Others)
- Consider the view that urban living is exciting, but detrimental to one’s health.
- Has city life lost its appeal?
- ‘Climate change hurts poor people the most.’ Discuss. – Difficult
Insight/Strategy: The first main focus of Environment questions looks at evaluating existing efforts and considering whether they are effective or feasible. Notably, there are quite a few ‘in your society’ questions and it would be important to consider the Singapore context. Another major focus looks at the various stakeholders involved, including governments, the people, companies. In there, questions also distinguish between countries based on whether they are more economically developed. We also have to remember that Environment questions have not come out for A Levels for the past 3 years consecutively (2018, 2019, 2020).
6. Individual/Values
- ‘People today need to be more resilient than ever before.’ How true is this of your society?
- ‘In a world where instant success is celebrated, hard work is no longer important.’ Is this a fair comment?
- ‘There is nothing that we cannot accomplish as long as we work together.’ Comment.
- Is winning always desirable?
- Examine the view that our society is obsessed with perfection. – Difficult
- ‘Happiness is in your own hands, not in those of others around you.’ Discuss.
- Should being gracious still be encouraged in your society?
- Is compassion necessarily desirable?
- ‘Graciousness has diminished in importance.’ Is this true in your society?
- ‘Graciousness is a lost virtue.’ How true is this of your society?
- Is the modern world becoming a more charitable place to live in?
- Can charity be truly altruistic? – Difficult
- ‘Society cannot progress without sacrifice.’ Discuss. – Difficult
- To what extent is obedience valued in your society?
- Authority should always be questioned. Do you agree?
- Can the breaking of promises ever be justified?
- ‘It is persuasion, not intimidation, that changes the world for the better.’ Discuss. – Difficult
- ‘Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.’ Is integrity more important than ever?
- ‘In a world where problems prevail, no one should be a bystander.’ Do you agree?
- ‘Social activism today has done more harm than good.’ How fair is this assessment?
- ‘Activism today is all bark but no bite.’ Do you agree?
- Without rebellion, there can be no meaningful change. Discuss.
- The fight for human rights has led to more oppression than freedom. What is your view? – Difficult
- Is change to be welcomed or feared in your society?
Insight/Strategy: Individual/Values are questions that are more philosophical in considering the importance of different values (e.g. competitiveness, collaboration, resilience, hard work, graciousness, conformity, integrity). The structure of the essay response becomes fairly straightforward where we analyse the pros-cons of these values, while keeping in mind certain modifiers that could change the question (e.g. Absolutes). The examples to substantiate these arguments would relate mainly to prominent individuals (public figures) based on their words and actions; other examples include other entities like countries, corporations, and organisations. Additionally, another big focus is on social movements and activism to consider its value and importance. For activism, we also look at individuals (activists and other common people who partake in social movements).
7. General
- Have our efforts to address discrimination made us overly sensitive? Discuss this in relation to your society. – Difficult
- ‘’A society in which no one is left behind.’ To what extent is this an achievable goal for your society?
- ‘Women, more so than men, are hindered by traditions.’ Comment. – Difficult
- Should everyone be treated equally all the time?
- To what extent is greater diversity in society desirable?
- ‘A voice for all’. Consider whether this is a desirable goal in your society.
- How far are the needs of the minorities being met today?
- ‘We should focus more on our similarities than our differences.’ To what extent do you agree?
- How important is tolerance in today’s society?
- ‘Mental health is just as important as physical health.’ Is this true of your society?
- ‘Given the cost of conflict, it should always be avoided.’ Discuss.
- Should conflict always be avoided?
- Tourism benefits only a few at the expense of many. Comment.
- Is travel really beneficial?
- ‘We do not need reminders of the past since the past is best forgotten.’ Do you agree?
- ‘It is important for young people to have a good understanding of the history of their own country.’ Discuss.
- Should your society safeguard against future shocks or focus on the now?
- ‘Given that the future is volatile, there is little benefit in planning for it.’ Comment.
- How far can global health threats be resolved?
Insight/Strategy: General questions for this year come from a few key areas: Discrimination/Inequality, Conflict, Tourism, History, Future. Discrimination/Inequality is a popular focus from this year’s questions; do note its synergy with the above questions on Activism and Social Movements because fighting against Inequality is often the purpose. However, we should remember that these General questions are not individual Themes on their own because they are not as popular for A Levels. In the past 9 years, Discrimination/Inequality has only appeared in 3 questions. These General questions should be viewed more as a backup Theme rather than a main Theme that we are preparing for.
It’s 4 more weeks before the A Levels! The last lap can be nerve-wrecking but it can also be game-changing! I have seen many students make tremendous and miraculous improvements in the final lap.
Seek for consultation and ask questions to clarify your doubts! Study smart and pay attentions to all the skills in GP. Skills mean the difference between knowing how to consciously meet the requirements of GP and simply depending on luck.
That being said, good luck for the upcoming exams. Take care of yourself, be sure not to burn out in this period.
Check out the 2020 A Levels Questions Analysis here 🙂
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