With 90% of our students attaining A/B grades, ZAscension Guarantees Improvement!
ZAscension presents the BEST lessons: Experienced tutor, Detailed explanations, Extensive notes, Concrete strategies for improvement, Fun lessons, Personalised 1-to-1 attention.
How did we develop the ZAscension method of Proven Strategies and over 400 pages worth of resources?
Before Mr Zach was Mr Zach, he was very much student Zach and student Zach greatly struggled with GP in his early days! Have you ever felt like GP cannot be studied for? It almost seems like you are either good at it or you aren’t. That was exactly what student Zach felt.
Student Zach felt helpless but was determined to find a way to excel in GP. And so when he was learning the subject on his own, he gradually discovered tips and tricks that make GP so much easier and interesting. Student Zach started to feel incredibly motivated for GP as he saw his results improving and his efforts coming into fruition. His ways were so effective they eventually brought him to 100 Percentile in school!
Student Zach felt a strong excitement to share these strategies with friends and that was when he realised his fervent passion for teaching. And with that Mr Zach the tutor was born and ZAscension was conceptualised. After graduation, Mr Zach went on to refine and enhance his methods, finally developing the ZAscension method, together with over 400 pages worth of resources that he thoughtfully wrote to create resource companions for students’ learning — all helping to unpack the seemingly convoluted subject known as GP!
Try out ZAscension lessons and you are guaranteed to entirely change your perspective towards GP. Not forgetting, you will also have the time of your life, a journey you will remember beyond just A’levels 😊
Mr Zach’s Profile:
If you ask friends to describe Mr Zach, the two most salient qualities they attribute to him are Critical Thinking and Effective Communication. This combination helps Mr Zach to find the most innovative ways behind solving a problem, including how to help students understand and ace GP.
Mr Zach also possesses a valuable gift — he excels at explaining the most complex concepts in the simplest ways that students can intuitively understand. Sounds a little too serious? Well, the best part is that Mr Zach is a fun-loving individual who believes how fun and productivity can go hand-in-hand. He believes in this two-pronged approach that every learning experience should be filled with enjoyment while gaining insights.
That is the exact philosophy behind every ZAscension lesson — to deliver insightful learning while creating an enjoyable experience for students.
The idea of ZAscension GP Tuition is to help students improve and ascend no matter what their current standard is — Ascend with Mr Zach. Per Ardua Ad Astra is ZAscension’s motto. Written in Latin, it means Through Struggle to the Stars. The journey of improving GP may seem difficult but with ZAscension’s 100% Passes track record, you will definitely reach the top with plenty of fun and enjoyment!

Start today and see the difference. Learn GP with completely new strategies and comprehensive resources, GP has never been that easy except with ZAscension! Many students have benefited from ZAscension methods, and we hope to help even more students out there like yourself! 😊
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. Since you have taken the effort to enhance your learning, we have also shared useful resources on here! Don’t worry, they are completely free! Subscribe below to get a boost for GP!